Monday, October 6, 2008

Welcome to my Blog!

Gossiping..So often do we find ourselves yearning to hear the latest word or degrading of another or one's life....I too used to be one of those who couldn't wait to get to work to hear what so and so said or what happened last weekend to the neighbor...Until one day while sitting in faith sharing class as my daughter was soon to make her 1st communion, we parents, were handed a sheet of paper. On it was was information that would help us to assist our child in figuring out what actions of theirs fell under which commandment (First 10 commandments were addressed)
Wait!!! stay with me here. Under the commandment "Thou shall not Kill" listed a question of whether your child has ever talked about another child? Teased another kid? Called another kid names? Said anything about anyone behind their back in a negative manner or spread rumors about someone?
Seriously. I never thought of how talking and listening to the cheeseme of another literally was considered as a form of killing that individual. Killing their person, knowingly or not knowingly still a form of killing that person's being...
From that day I chose to NOT talk about another nor listen to gossip!! Realizing that we as adults have for so many years talked our mouths off not recognizing we are in turn showing our children the way of life including talking about others...Pretty soon trust and betrayal will be taught through our gossiping....Then to have to see our children in turn taking what we show them and a never ending pattern in life goes from generation to generation....
So next time when you are about to speak on or about another being STOP!! think about the consequences it will have on you and those who follow you.